Sunday, September 2, 2012

What I Have So Far

We were the ones who put all the labels on the postcards that were sent to the whole town, and we were the ones who stamped them. No one would say that makes us the ones to blame, though. Once Jerry found out she had slept with the busboy, the school parking lot fistfight was inevitable. It was just that our stamping and labeling made us involved, the same way sitting around the table with her and the busboy while they also stamped and labeled made us involved. The busboy probably shouldn't have been at a Ladies' Club thing in the first place.

The fistfight was on bingo night, the same night Jerry hit a skunk with his truck, so the parking lot smelled like skunk too. Amanda had won the pass to the Skagit Speedway and Jerry had spent most of the night chasing Aubrey up and down the aisles between tables, which was how the busboy got a chance to take a seat on the same bench as Amanda, who was not going to get up and move when all she had left before Bingo was B7.


  1. So much packed into these two paragraphs and so many threads to follow...My comment is "more please!"

  2. yes; you really hooked me in with these punchy, tight-in the-pants paragraphs. invested quickly. yes, more please.
